Saturday, December 5, 2009

To weight myself every day or not

So yeah I’m one of those people that get on the scale just about once a day. I do try to do it about the same time everyday though. (You sure won’t find me on the scale when I know I have been eating badly for a few days in a row. i.e. Thanksgiving Day 4-day holiday)

Got on the scale this morning right after I woke up and its now 163.2lbs! Going down is a good direction. I know my weight can change from day to day going either up or down, or not at all. My weight can even change through out the day too.
So I was wondering how bad is it if I do look at my weight everyday? Should I do it once a week like I hear others mention. I found this article "Should I Weigh Myself Every Day While Dieting?" I liked all the pro's and cons it listed. I also like what Janee's Live Light had to say about this matter too.

So I do think that I will just keep doing my weighing once a day, and do it at about the same time each day thing.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What to do...

First off by not sitting on my bum playing on the computer. In order to lose weight one does need to get up off of their chair, and do something, anything out and about! Found this Calorie Calculator. Thought that it was a cool thing to look up what activites i do daily help me burn calorie's

So I found out about my BMR today. It is the minimum number of calories your body needs to sustain vital functions such as breathing, digesting food and keeping your brain, heart and lungs working. Good to know.

I know that poster has little kids on it, but it can relate to us older kids too.

The ACSM's weight loss guidelines suggest at least 250 minutes per week, which comes out to about 50 minutes, 5 days a week. If you're a beginner, start small (3 days a week for 20 to 30 minutes) to give your body time to adapt.
That means I really, really, REALLY need to get off my tush. Also need to get a good night sleep too so I can work out, so i better go do that now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's what i need to do

So I got onto the scale this morning right after I woke up. Have to be fair and put it out there.

So my grand total is 165.4 lbs. My height is 5'6'', so I was able to find out that my BMI is 26.7.

Better Ideal Weight Body Calculations
I really like this web site for getting my BMI info put together. It shows so many sources of who thinks what your weight should be. From Peoples Choice, Medical Recommendation, and Metropolitan Life tables.

So my ideal weight can range from 118-155lbs.

Since I need all the help and reminders I can get that I'm working towards a goal, I’m going to print this chart out while at work today. Because I sure have days were I see that I have lost no weight, but I bet I lost inches somewhere.


..Its an evil thing, but I love it so!

I'm going to work on writing in this blog often, as a motivation for me as I lose some much needed weight. Because I know I sure hate getting on that scale every morning.

Currently I'm about 30 pounds over, and I’m trying this losing weight thing without going on some crazy diet. Because I’ve tried it before and got all my lost weight back plus some.

The kicker is in losing weight...I’m lazy and I procrastinate....a lot.

But I have a great big huge awesome reason to lose weight now. Not just for my health, and feeling great. But I want to have kids. So no more excuses for me anymore. (Though I did make some last month, darn that turkey day and its pies!)

So here is to my new goal and blog!
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