Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Turkey Day! (early)

So Thanksgiving is coming up, and so is the dead line for my first goal of reaching 148 lbs (it originally started out at 150 lbs). Which I now see that I should have kept my goal at 150 after weighing myself this morning.I weighed in at 150.4 lbs, which I'm very happy for, I'm also happy that I did not mention to Hubby my thoughts on changing my goal to 148 lbs. This was a very busy month of eating out and having poor food choices. So all there is to do is keep moving on.

And moving on to working out! (yuck) I have gotten a free subscription to Women's Health magazine. They have some great articles about fitness, yoga, and belly buster work-out routines, which I very much so like! With losing weight I still have a one pack, or one would call it a pouch for a belly. Because I'm not working it out and strengthening the muscle around that area. Thats one thing I have a hard time motivating myself to work out on...on working out.

I can tell with how I'm losing weight slowly now I need to add exercise to my daily activities. More so I will need to work out probably about 3 times a week or more to get down to 145 lbs by Christmas time! So Happy Thanksgiving to any and all that stumble over here, and have a great time with friends and family! Also don't eat to much, and drink water before the big meal. The most important part of all, have fun enjoying the food, cause I know that I will.

I have been sick ever since the new year, so I'm still recouping before I get back on the weight loss wagon. But I'll be back soon! updated note:4/21/11

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just draggin' my feet a bit

When I hit 151.8 lbs, I knew deep down that it happened to fast. I mean, yeah I have the weight to lose, but if it happens that fast, something is going to bounce back at you. It did for me, but thank goodness it did not bounce back to much. Yo-yoing is not fun.

I have been hanging around 151-155 lbs for the past few weeks, not to bad. I've very happy that I did not mess around with what my goal weight should be again. So now I have about 4 lbs to lose in two weeks, I can do this! (where have I heard this before?) Now how to get more fruits and veggies into my diet...oh I know!

Its all thanks to Hubby that we know have a Juicer! He played with it a bit mixing up drinks with carrots, celery, cucumbers, pears (got no juice from those!) and some apples. All I have to say is that I'm going to surf the web for some good juicer fruit/veggie combos and proportions. The drinks we made were sugary tasting and stronger then we were ready for.

Monday, October 25, 2010

mondays are not so bad

Really, Mondays can be good sometimes! Like when I got onto the scale and saw it flash back at me 151.8lbs.....what?!?! That was such a nice thing to see so early in my morning, even though I have no idea how it happened so fast! Yeah I was eating better, and less calories, but man, that was fast!

Should I bump my goal down to 146lbs now? Or keep it at 148lbs and If I lose more great, if not, well I still lost weight and meet my goal. (which is such a greeeaaat feeling)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

thank goodness!

Got to love happy surprises! I checked my weight this morning to find out where I stand, and my weight was 153.6! I thought that I had gained so much more then that!!

So now I want to change my goal amount for 11/25. Instead of reaching 150lbs in 30 some odd days, I want to reach 148lbs. I think that is a very good goal! So with this happy news I wanted to post this funny comic I found.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh where oh where is my scale...

I don't know and I don't care where the scale is! I have not stepped on it since my last post here. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I did not always get my 2 Liters of water in a day (lucky if i drank 3 glasses full of water). I sure as heck had days where I did not even eat one stink-en veggie, let alone fruit. *sigh* There was not many smart choices made, but that ice cream was so yummy!

Last time I wrote I said that I wanted to "look at eating as how I'll make my life successful and fulfilling". That was easy to mess up, all food taste fulfilling, even if its not good for me. So I was getting in a funk because all of these factors that were working against me. Hubby was noticing it too. So tonight after I made us some nice left-over dinner he gave me an idea of something to work towards. A new goal! By Thanksgiving I will reach 150lbs, and then by Christmas I'll be 145lbs. So I will be making sure that as I head to the holiday table I will have no worries of releasing my belly from the confines of my pants before the meal begins.

I CAN DO THIS! I'm not to sure about where my weight is right now, seeing as I've been avoiding the scale and all. I think that I might still be about 155-157ish. So looking at the calendar I have less than 5 weeks (33 days) till Thanksgiving. I can lose one pound or more a week, thats very healthy, very do-able...if i behave. =)

I'll not say it is easy to lose weight, because anybody that says other wise is fooling you and them-selfs. Weight loss is not easy in the slightest. So I went in search of some written word to encourage me on. Then I find this...

"Dieters who wrote down everything they ate had twice the weight loss of other people following the same diet"

Makes sense writing that information down, right now I try to write down my calories. Sometimes I'm completely fudging my amounts because the food is something that I made and not from a box or a can. So writing down the food to go with the calories will give my daily food intake some meaning other then the just being numbers on a paper.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

And so...

I weighed myself this morning right away when I woke up. My scale told me that I’m 154.4lbs.
Sigh…..this is so annoying. I’m only .2 lbs lighter then when I weighed myself on Monday. I just want to do as the image below is acting out, put my scale above me, not below me.

My sweet Hubby is trying to help me in my weight loss by making a calendar of days that I should weigh myself. So I weigh myself twice a week, on Monday's and on Thursday's always in the mornings. I'm getting healthier, I do know that. (Just a few years ago I weighed about 190lbs.) I want to do better though, because I keep slipping into old habits of eating too many sweets (candy) and not enough veggies and fruits. I will no longer look at the way I eat as something that I'm always failing at. I'll instead look at eating as how I'll make my life successful and fulfilling.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I eat to much!

So its been since last December since I posted anything at all. I know I'm writing all of this for my own benefit, not to amass any following. (there are dozen other blogs out there that do a much better job at that.) But while I was gone from writing to remind myself to loss weight, I did lose some weight! After some yelling and pleding to the scale.

I like to say that for a single day (maybe two) I weighed 149lbs! Currently though my weight is somewhere around 154-157. Not what I want, but better then where I was back in December of last year.

Hubby is really trying to help me out, but I don't always help myself. I sure do love Culvers concrete mixers, the pumpkin pecan is the best!

So there I go again thinking about food! To the facts I should go! I currently have a BMI of 24.3 based on weighing 155lbs. I narrowed all my troubles down to the fact that I eat waaaaayyyyy to many calories everyday. I also am very sedentary to boot.

One thing that I try (key word 'try') to do is drink a glass of water before and with each meal.

By the end of the day I will have drunk at the least about 2 litters of water. Water is great ingredient to add in each meal to help in making me feel fuller then I would normally. Plus no calories! Now that it's getting cooler out, I'm adding tea to my drinking list. I just need to watch how much milk I add, also to use tea's that don't need sugar added to them.

Tea really Is the best If I do say so myself.
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